THE UOCEAN® PROJECT - International & Underprivileged Communities

Uniting against ocean plastics globally whilst facilitating social change for underprivileged communities.

We started off as a local project in the United Kingdom.

We then travelled to India to find answers.

As our project spontaneously exploded across the globe, invariably the volunteers coming forward were from first world countries who were trying to make a difference in their local community as they had the time, resources and awareness to conduct this great effort.

However, there was one community to us that stood out from the others.

During our research around the most polluting rivers on this planet, we came across India and when speaking to a local coastal community called the (Dalits) in Mumbai, we realised that they could not only help us with achieving our #1BillionKilo target but we could help break the stigmatisation around these wonderful people, this is where the UOPNC® Certification then started.

We decided to offer free training and qualifications to become UOPNC® beach rangers - A UOPNC® beach ranger offsets plastic for commercial companies back here in the UK.

We are not only saving the ocean but we are raising this community out of deep rooted social deprivation by helping the become financially stable, further educated and ultimately to break the cycle of generational poverty in their lives.

The project then evolved through public demand and spread across other nations rapidly.

We now work with an array of coastal communities from India to South Africa, empowering and facilitating global social and economic change, by creating opportunities at a community level for these coastal villages and towns.

We have U | Ocean® Chapters in 21 countries and 3 UOPNC® sites.

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Sri Lanka

Through our network of U | Ocean® chapters, we affects change at a local community level by involving councils, volunteers and clean up groups.



Through our network of U | Ocean® chapters, we affects change at a local community level by involving councils, volunteers and clean up groups.



Through our network of U | Ocean® chapters, we affects change at a local community level by involving councils, volunteers and clean up groups..



Through our network of U | Ocean® chapters, we affects change at a local community level by involving councils, volunteers and clean up groups.

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UOPNC® Site - Cape Town

Through our network of U | Ocean® chapters, we affects change at a local community level by involving councils, volunteers and clean up groups.



Through our network of U | Ocean® chapters, we affects change at a local community level by involving councils, volunteers and clean up groups.



Through our network of U | Ocean® chapters, we affects change at a local community level by involving councils, volunteers and clean up groups.


New Jersey

Through our network of U | Ocean® chapters, we affects change at a local community level by involving councils, volunteers and clean up groups.


Los Angles

Through our network of U | Ocean® chapters, we affects change at a local community level by involving councils, volunteers and clean up groups.

Keeping the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar clear of ocean plastics.

Working towards a greener future with educational workshops, beach clean ups and green technology.



Through our network of U | Ocean® chapters, we affects change at a local community level by involving councils, volunteers and clean up groups.

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Abu Dabi

Through our network of U | Ocean® chapters, we affects change at a local community level by involving councils, volunteers and clean up groups.



Through our network of U | Ocean® chapters, we affects change at a local community level by involving councils, volunteers and clean up groups.