Forced prostitution

Thousands of Dalit girls are forced into prostitution every year. 

In India, the Devadasi and Jogini systems are a form of religiously sanctioned sexual abuse.

Originally a sacred, religious practice, the Devadasi dedication of girls to temples has turned into a systematic abuse of young Dalit girls serving as prostitutes for dominant caste community members. Most girls and women in India’s urban brothels come from Dalit, lower-caste, tribal, or minority communities.

Where do the girls come from?

Most girls and women in India’s urban brothels come from Dalit, lower-caste, tribal, or minority communities.

In 2007

Anti-Slavery International published a study on the practice of ritual sexual slavery or forced religious ‘marriage’. It found that 93% of Devadasi were from Scheduled Castes (Dalits) and 7% from Scheduled Tribes (indigenous) in India.


Keeping Dalit women as prostitutes and tying prostitution to bondage is a means of subjugation by dominant castes seeking to enforce their social status and economic superiority.

